Walk in Beauty, then you know...

Native Wisdom



Life without spirituality is like garden without flowers ...

Tara Rose








My teaching is an invitation to the Spa of Remembering. Our bodies are homes where our Souls are living. We are receiving body through our human mother. Yet there is even stronger living Mother for us all. In native Wisdom we understand that our body is given to us from Mother Earth Body through human mother.

Mother Earth is alive, loving, pure inteligence. Creation of everything what we see as Nature. 

Our body is the same inteligence and Love as She is.

Our minds can open to the státe of natural receiving and Remembering of what native people were living for thousands of years. Wisdom through our inner seeing, listening, feeling via inner senses. Human body is the same PRIMARY inteligence as animal body, tree body, stone body, water body or plant body.

We forgot and we must remember. Step by step, one each in time. This is our door back to connection, Nature, Mother Earth and Harmony. In modern life we train our precious minds to be only used as rational, scientific and practical way. We are not aware of what human mind realy is. Inteligent, highly intuitive communicator..True center od human mind is Heart center. Heart center is in open state interconnected to the Heart of Mother Earth. It is vibrating in OM sound of Pure Love.

 Children naturaly are using Heart mind center.

They are supported and feel Love of Mother Earth.

We all are holding these memories of connection in our hearts and bodies.

So if we want to remember and receive, we can.

In modern mindset we hold distorted opinions about what Heart Wisdom is.

We cannot remember intelectually or theoretically. We must go through experience.

To be back in open Heart center receiving doesnt mean to be childish, less Inteligent or naive.

In fact it means to be in full potencial of inteligence, Wisdom, sensitivity and Joy. This is where Mother Earth is calling us in these difficult times we live

Medicine Wheel is tool for cleaning of our confusion about who we are. It is tool for remembering that we are true children of Mother Earth. To remember and feel it  means to be back Home in our Hearts. We are connected, alive and living in awareness of our true nature . Confusion belongs only to mind, separated from Heart center. Mind resting in Heart center is fear free. 

There is so much to receive from our True Mother, Mother Earth

In my workshops you will learn how create back your connection between your Heart and Heart of Mother Earth. You will experience Harmony and Wisdom available to You. You will remember what you knew as child for sure .

But you are not children any more . As experienced in life adult and for sure also going through a lot disapointments, you are ready to become Mature humans. You are ready to open yourself to Her love.

Mother Earth is so eager to help each one who wants  to come back HOME




KORFU 2020
Pobyt, který je mnohem víc než dovolená
Teplé laskavé moře, čistá energie kouzelného ostrova Korfu a neobyčejné programy pro
váš osobní odpočinek, uvolnění těla a mysli a rozvoj sebepoznání
Téma pobytu : Jak se dostat z tlaku Yangové nerovnováhy
Cítíte se přetížená nároky , které na ženy klade současná doba? Máte pocit, že už nemůžete
zvládnout rostoucí tempo a tlak?
Existují cesty, které vás naučí posílit svoji intuici, Yin energii, najít svůj harmonický střed a
propojit se s živou energií v přírodě
16. - 19.7. 2020
Probuzení Kouzelného Dítěte uvnitř
Naučíte se otevřít dveře do svého kouzelného světa, který nikdy nezmizel , jenom se
schoval pod nánosy starostí a povinností. Vnitřní Díté je průvodcem , který zná tajemné
klíče ke zdroji zdravé a živé energie, k naší přirozené schopnosti být tvořiví a originální. A
mnohem více. Propojíte v sobě 4 brány a 4 směry, abyste našli svůj střed. Ve středu sama
sebe jste v harmonii a síle. Odvezete si přímou zkušenost magické síly Indiánského Kruhu a
naučíte se do něj sami vstupovat a čerpat zde moudré vedení pro sebe i svou rodinu.
Indiáni jsou mistři a učitelé magie v každodenním životě.
Vnitřní Dítě se může znovu probudit. Zná cestu.
22.7. - 25. 7. 2020
Cesta Bohyně
Každá žena má v sobě schopnost síly a středu, která jsou srovnatelné s magickou mocí
Bohyně. Je to naše pradávná Cesta a Zdroj. Naučíte se překrásnou Meditaci v Pohybu. 9
vnějších i vnitřních Pohybů provázených slovem, představuje 9 bran k Božské Jiskře a
Esenci v nás. 9 aspektů Bohyně. Meditace je vedena způsobem, který nevyžaduje předchozí
zkušenosti ani pohybové předpoklady. Odvezete si vzácný poklad na celý život. Meditační
sestavu, která uvolňuje stres, přetíženou mysl a rozvíjí schopnost čerpat živou energii z
přírody. Naučíte se vyrovnávat svoje vnitřní energie.
Oba programy můžete propojit v rámci jednoho pobytu. Ve volném čase můžete
malovat nebo tvořivé psát. Programy jsou vedeny v neposuzující a laskavé
atmosféře a naladění dovnitř sebe. Nejde o terapeutické aktivity . Vy sami máte v
sobě krásnou cestu. Potřebujete pouze dostat správné klíče a naučit se je používat.
Podrobné informace na umenitvorit@sezna




Life is harmonious and it is naturaly carrying us. There exists a good Path we can discover. Gentle white feather falling down like snowflake in tranquil air, reminding us, that life can be like this. Silent and gentle. Good Path is deep inside us. In our deep being. We cannot find it in busy surface world. It is residing deep in our Heart, which is able to feel and to be alive. Good Path we feel, when we are connected with Mother Earth, nature we are. It is consciousness not place. It is what is deeply feeding us with Love, enough Time, and Space to recognize Wisdom. 




What is happening with us, with the world and in our lives?

17/10/2019 10:59

The predictions of the Elders for the upcoming portal into the new 7 year cycle that will begin in 2020 warn us of the growing pressure of a transforming society. The coming years can be very difficult for anyone who chooses to stay in the old models. On the contrary, they can literally be a transformation into a completely new and easy state of conscious life. Acceleration of development certainly cannot be avoided by anyone. There is nothing we can take as a guide from the past. The old ways of perceiving reality are ending and what we perceive as pressure in and around us is a new and healthy level of consciousness that is trying to awaken in the Heart, body, mind and as a change in life values ​​and style. Good quality regular meditation and positive creative activity in self development are like bridges to a new level of Conscie immunity to old energies that are heavy, negative and fear-promoting.

What supports the Heart will give us strength. 

Much that used to be our reality is no longer a safe and healthy way of life. We all change, just like the weather, and it depends only on us whether we choose a difficult or an easier path. We realize more and more that we would like to have more time for ourselves, our family, for walks in nature and meditation. We want to be healthy. And despite the fact that we want to change the pace of life that we know is not good for us, despite the fact that we know internally that we have to do it, there is something that drags us again and again into the never-ending stream of more and more tasks and responsibilities . 

And so, with a sigh, we postpone our wishes for later. 

Every day that we let go without a deep contact with the sacredness of life and the magic of the Inner World of our own soul brings us the same questions. Is this really all? Am I living my own life or something that is not close to me and that does not suit me? Is there enough true love in my life? I know from my own experience that not all people ask such questions. But if you are the ones who really want to change and don't know how to start, then my work can help you. You have a dream in your Heart that is yours. It is so close to you that it is your inner Reality. 

It's you alone. 

The problem is that your mind trusts more what comes from others and the outside world. 


To truly experience yourself as the Path of your Dream, you must transform yourself from the inside out.




Medicine Wheel healing

We were born with precious gifts, which are given each of us in very special and indiviual design. No matter how aware you are about this fact, these are your doors to be in life the way bringing you happiness, satisfaction and experience of belonging where you wish to be. Medicine Wheel is very supportive journey inside your inner world, without any pressure on you, so you can in your time and intensity you like, find orientation in your relations to yourself and your desires and dreams, to others , to Mother Earth and to relations even deeper way. And not only. Medicine Wheel is literally building you from inside out in helthier and more stable way. It is very simple, yet life changing in very good direction, tool for your daily practice. It is Path you will love. 



Movement Meditation Practice

Sacred Movement Ritual


In serie of 10 meditative movements, guided with beautiful prayers you will discover oasis of peace and profound wisdom, you will like to visit every day. This modern way of Meditation in Movement  is based on ancient Path in Divine Mother Source energy, teaching us about Beauty as original principle of life. We are part of great Mother Creation in this reality and we are Beauty of Her Heart. Moditation will lead you from one door to another to meet Her in Her different aspects to teach you about your magnificence and connection to the world of your Soul. Meditation Ritual is practice you enter with first step and movement and leave with last relaxing breath. Yet if you start to practice regurarly, you will notice profound change in your mind clarity, emotional stability, self confidence and concentration. Your body mind heart balance wil be great support in daily life. Basic lavel of practice is introducing you to the Path and giving you guidance how to build your steady effort to master this meditation, so you can receive more during time. There are waiting for you deeper levels of wisdom and support for  your human journey. 

This practice is good for anyone, who is longing to cultivate daily life energy through meditation. Either you are beginner or you already have experience with some meditation system, you will always benefit from unique and deeply nourishing space of this path, giving you freedom to discover the treasure and beauty inside yourself.